Aerial Yoga & Hammock fitness


YOGA our way......

We don't spend much time with our feet on the ground at Studio Fly! 

Aerial Yoga is a class designed to increase overall fitness and health whilst having fun in a hammock! With a blend of techniques from yoga, Pilates, dance and gymnastics you will get a complete workout without any stress on your joints. Aerial Yoga is a fairly gentle and relaxing class whereas Hammock Fitness is more fast paced and focused on increasing your strength and fitness to complement our other aerial disciplines.


The benefits from both of these classes are huge; you decompress the spine, improve and increase your flexibility, mobilise your joints and strengthen your core muscles. They are very fun yet relaxing classes and you will leave feeling lighter and taller!

The yoga class is a great class to introduce you to being off the ground when exercising and to build your strength up for our other aerial disciplines. All of our Aerial Yoga and Hammock fitness classes are suitable for beginners through to seasoned aerialists!

Click here for class schedule